Monday, April 21, 2014


As our time has come to a close, we bid you all farewell.  The Entrepreneurial Challenge was just that--a challenge!  After much debate between partners on what business opportunity to pursue, our homemade jerky business proved to be extremely difficult.  After the first few weeks waiting for our venison donations, we realized that the business couldn't survive on what little venison meat we could get our hands on.  Though our beef jerky was much easier to make, it was expensive and forced us to change our pricing to be able to still turn a profit.  Those who were able to grab a bag of the beef jerky at $3 got it at a steal!

Despite our increased prices ($5) the beef jerky flew off the shelves, so to speak, and we struggled to keep up with demand!  Each batch took a minimum of 32 hours to make and only about 30 minutes to sell.  Dehydrating your own jerky yields an excellent product, but it does take patience and the process is tedious.

In hindsight, we could have used at least another dehydrator to increase production and keep up with demand.  The Entrepreneurial Challenge was a learning experience for all of us at One Hit Wonderful, and we'll use the lessons learned throughout this process in our future endeavors.

Until our next big business opportunity...Stay Wonderful!

One Hit Wonderful

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