Team Charter:
Each member is to contribute ten dollars, for a total of $50, and profits after taxes and rent will be split equally among the team members. Additionally, all members are expected to attend every team meeting when possible, and to provide help to other team members who need it in addition to taking care of there own responsibilities, outlined below:
John Prezzia: Marketing and Advertising
He will market the products and services and our team will make the final decisions on how to best use the available resources to push our products and services.
Hamza Faisal: Finance and Resources
He will decide on how to use our available finances and to allocate those for our most productive returns on investment and will setup financial projections.
Ibrahim Raheem: Visionary
He will be the team contact and liaison to Professor Navis, in addition to coordinating and facilitating team meetings and activities.
Talon Zarling: Team Lead
Talon will be the lead manager of sales and will handle direct sales for any products or services we offer.
Brad Navin: Promotions
Brad will handle the direct promotions push to the student body and will direct our promotions strategy to the different student organizations.
We pride ourselves on honesty, integrity, perseverance and commitment to our entrepreneurial endeavors.
team meetings will be communicated by the team Leader Talon and confirmed by all team members. Attendance is expected from every member at every meeting. If someone is unable to attend they are to communicate as soon as possible their absence.
Communication is key to our success. It will be conducted through our shared email, facebook and telecommunications.
File Sharing
We have a shared email account which links our blogs to our Google documents and Google will supplement our exchange of ideas.
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